When To Call A Vet – Colic Edition
Are you worried your horse is colicking? When to call a vet: If your horse hasn't eaten its breakfast or dinner If your horse is laying down more than usual If [...]
When to call a vet – Hoof Edition
Generally, if there is an issue with your horse’s feet you call your farrier, right? However, do you know what issues or signs would warrant veterinary assistance? Excessive recumbency / laying [...]
Hendra Virus Fact Sheet
Click here to view the Hendra Virus Fact Sheet provided by the NSW Government Department of Primary Industries
Recent Advances in Semen Extenders
The equine industry, excluding Thoroughbreds, relies heavily on AI to access genetics from different stallions regionally and internationally. Horse selection for breeding is based on pedigree and athletic performance, but not [...]
WHAT IS LAMINITISLaminitis results from inflammation of the sensitive laminae of the hoof.The laminae of the hoof are tiny interlocking finger-like projections that hold tightly together like a zipper. Their function [...]
Pre-mature Foal
What is a premature foal?A premature foal is a foal that is immature and born before term, generally considered to be if they are born at less than 330 days gestation. [...]
WHAT IS IT?Placentitis is an inflammation within the placenta, it is responsible for the majority of late term abortions in broodmares. The most common type is ascending placentitis where bacteria enters [...]
Dehydration Colic
At this time of year in Australia the southern states are freezing through the cold winter months while the northern states are in the middle of the dry season. Whether it [...]
Environmental Management and Parasite Control
Environmental management is an important part of parasite control. When a horse sheds eggs in their faeces, they hatch into larvae on the pasture which are then ingested by other horses [...]
Importance of Faecal Egg Counts!
As we have talked about in our earlier posts, blanket worming and overuse of wormers is both unnecessary and contributes to resistance. Therefore, we now recommend a targeted program tailored to [...]