Internal medicine is the medical specialty that deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases that may affect multiple body systems; these include but are not limited to cardiology, neonatology, neurology, respiratory medicine, and emergency and critical care.
Our internal medicine service is staffed by a board-certified internal medicine specialist and is supported by senior veterinarians with advanced training in the field. The service is also staffed by interns, experienced nurses, and animal attendants to provide for 24/7 intensive care. Our hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment such as ultrasound, digital radiography, endoscopy, electrocardiography, and an in-house clinical pathology laboratory allowing for immediate bloodwork results.
Our experienced team looks forward to assisting you whether for a routine health check-up, or an after-hours emergency – we are available 24/7.
Investigation of cardiac arrhythmias, murmurs, poor performance using electrocardiography and echocardiography
Critical Care/Emergency Medicine
Expertise in diagnosing and managing intensive care patients in both adult and neonatal patients including a team of experienced specialists, veterinarians, and nurses
Expertise and advanced diagnostics in the investigation of chronic diarrhea, weight loss, chronic colic, and all emergencies surrounding the gastrointestinal system
Geriatric Care
A well-rounded team to assist you in caring for your horses in all stages of life
Metabolic Disease
Knowledge and expertise in diagnosis and management equine metabolic diseases such as pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID, or Cushing’s), and equine metabolic syndrome
Experienced team of specialists, veterinarians, and nurses to care for all sick equine neonates (neonatal maladjustment syndrome (Dummy foal syndrome), failure of passive transfer, premature, dysmature, sepsis, pneumonia, diarrhea, septic joint, umbilical infection)
Knowledge and expertise in diagnosing and management of equine neurologic diseases including both infectious (bacterial meningitis, viral encephalopathy, fungal encephalopathy) and non-infectious (cervical vertebral malformation, trauma, neoplasia, parasitic)
Performance Medicine
Investigating poor performance including but not limited to cardiac, respiratory, and muscle disease diagnosis and management
Respiratory Medicine
Diagnostics including endoscopy, ultrasound, bronchoalveolar lavage, trans tracheal wash, lung biopsy to accurately diagnose and treat your horse’s respiratory disease